Scaevola sericea Vahl (sea lettuce)
Family goodeniaceae
An evergreen shrub with erect stems and many branches, the Scaevola sericea Vahl (sea lettuce) grows in rocky reef shores, the Scaevola sericea Vahl (sea lettuce) has large meaty glossy leaves, with obovate or spatulate shape. Its corolla is cylindrical, double-split, with the lower half having five pieces with soft hairs on the outer edges. The outside of the petals is white, while the inside has large deep-pink stain and a yellow base, catching the insects’ attention for them to climb inside. The upper half of the split has only one drooping pistil. When a bee climbs into the flower to gather nectar, because of its weight, the pistil will touch the back of the bee. If there happens to be pollens on its back, the pistil thereby catches the pollen stains and the pollination is done.
Source of Pictures: Self-shot Pictures