Nyctiscorax nyctiscorax

Family ardeidae/ desident bird/ nicknamed dark light bird (in Taiwanese)

Months of Appearance: From January to December.

Location of Appearance: Small ponds and big ponds.

With a length of 58 centimeters, the nyctiscorax nyctiscorax’s (black-crowned night heron) feature is its red eyes. It has dark blue color on the head and the back, two to three long decorative feathers on the rear of the head, gray color on the wings and tail feathers, and dirty white color on the abdomen. Its chicks are all brown, covered with big white spots. It often visits the watery surroundings of swamps, creeks, fish farms, etc. in small groups. Loving to move around and forage in the early morning, in the dusk, and at night time, the black-crowned night heron is nicknamed by Taiwanese a “dark light bird.” When flying, it lets out coarse “quack, quack” sounds.

 Source of Pictures: Self-shot Pictures