Family rallidae/ resident bird
Months of Appearance: From January to December.
Location of Appearance: Settling basins, small ponds, and big ponds.
With a length of 33 centimeters, the Gallinula chloropus (common moorhen) has a red beak with a yellow shade on the front. Its forehead plate is red, legs are yellow green, the whole body is black, a row of white spots are on the sides, and along the two sides under the tail decorative feathers are oval white spots. Usually, small groups of the Gallinula chloropus visit thick growth of grass belts of ponds, paddy fields, and creek banks. A Gallinula chloropus is an excellent swimmer. When sailing on the surface of the water, it often vertically wiggles its tail feathers. Seldom flying, most of the time after treading the water surface, it drops down right after wave hopping on the surface of the water for a very short distance. Its chirping sounds are continual vibrating throaty sounds pitching from high to low.
Source of Pictures: Self-shot Pictures