Accipiter trivirgatus

Family Accipiter/ resident bird/ endemic subspecies/ protected species

Location of Appearance: The gate and the plant growth preserved areas.

The accipiter trivirgatus (crested goshawk) is of Accipitridae family, with a length from 42-48 centimeters. On the mouse-grey head perch erect-crested feather. Its throat feathers are white with a central line. With vertical chestnut spots on its chest, this bird family’s abdomen spots are horizotal. And its down feathers under the tail are fluffy white. When flying, its wings form a round shape with the short back trailing edges protruding. The tail feathers are long and the two sides of the lumbar region are white. It often shows up in medium-low elevation mountain areas with stretches of broad-leaved evergreen forests. As a cruel and cool predator in the forests, it preys on rodents, birds, lizards, and insects. When sailing in the sky, it often presses down the wings, fluttering.

 Source of Pictures: Self-shot Pictures